Lisa A. Romano
May 11th, 2023
Break Free From the Wounds of the Past & Discover The Path to Emotional Freedom
Learn the proven healing framework that THOUSANDS of people have used to transform their relationships and take control of their own happiness.
May 11th, 2023 - 6pm Eastern

In this free class, I'll show you:
1. The root causes of codependency responsible for living for others rather than for the self.
2. How key subconscious beliefs keep adult children stuck repeating survival patterns they learned in childhood.
3. Why healing is as much a spiritual, and emotional journey as it is a neurological journey.
4. How unresolved childhood trauma blocks you from being able to access your authentic self.
5. How my Sacred Healing Secrets, offered in The 12 Week Breakthrough Coaching Program can help you break free from the chains of the past.
Yes! Sign Me Up >>
Lisa A. Romano
Codependency and Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Expert
Are you tired of feeling trapped in the same patterns of co-dependent behavior, unable to break free from the wounds of your past?
Do you long to live a life of emotional freedom and fulfillment, but feel like something is holding you back? If so, then you're in the right place.
The mind is more subconscious than conscious, and what we leave unhealed must find ways to become expressed.
Codependency is a manifestation of growing up feeling invisible, unheard, invalidated, and unsafe.
Adult children who have grown up in unpredictable homes often develop people-pleasing, fawning behaviors to avoid conflict, abandonment, criticism, and rejection.
Whether we like it or not, what we leave unresolved from childhood manifests in our adult relationships and lives.
The price to keep others happy is the authentic self and your birthright to align with the power within you to create the life you deserve.
Dear One, you are an heir to the Universe. However, until you heal the wounded inner child and reprogram the subconscious beliefs created in you during childhood, you will remain asleep, living below the veil of consciousness, repeating the past in various adult relationships.
On May 11th, I will host a LIVE free healing class and invites you to join LIVE to discover the path to emotional freedom.
This is your opportunity to learn directly with me, and a community of adult children attempting to heal from the past.
With over 2 decades of experience as a life coach and mentor, I have helped THOUSANDS of individuals break free from codependency and create the life they deserve.
If you were raised by an alcoholic, narcissistic or even a codependent parent, you grew up feeling invisible, worrying about how to survive, suppressing your emotions, and that’s not your fault. Learn about the emotional, mental and neurological blocks responsible for keeping you trapped in cycles of self abandonment.
Heal your relationship with the self, and learn to communicate with your children, spouses, friends and others in a way that is responsive versus reactive.
Dear One, you don’t have to live in fear any longer. I can show you how to breakthrough the invisible wounds of the past.
By the end of this powerful free class, you will know how to say goodbye to people-pleasing and fawning behaviors, and rediscover your birthright to live a life of authenticity and empowerment. Sign up for this free class today and gain the skills and confidence you need to create lasting change in your life.