Master your mind

children master mind Mar 04, 2020

We may think that what hurts us most are the experiences we experienced as children we were not able to process, integrate, or understand. However, what hurts a child the most is having a painful experience ignored, denied, or marginalized by the caretakers they adore, respect, love, and need to survive.

It is normal for the mind to wish to flee from painful memories and to even panic when bodily sensations surface in response to a pain-filled recalled memory. However, recoiling keeps us stuck in the amygdala living in fear and afraid of our thoughts.

Learning to sit with our pain is a new experience for many of us and mastering our minds to the point where we can observe our racing heart and our scattered thoughts is a spiritual practice.

The brain, mind, and body will do what it was designed to do and that is alright...the fight or flight system is nothing to fear, however, it should be understood.

Learn to observe your scattered thoughts, racing heart, and bodily sensations rather than fear them and in time, you shall overcome!