From Best-Selling Author, Lisa A. Romano
Codependent - Now What?
It’s Not You — It’s Your Programming
You're codependent, now what do you do? This book is full of strategy steps, insights, and tools you can put into IMMEDIATE ACTION to help you heal the subconscious programs that are keeping you stuck. Be prepared to be amazed!

Codependency is a repeat of childhood trauma. If you have experienced abandonment, rejection, and if you have been raised by alcoholic, narcissistic, or dysfunctional caretakers, you most likely also struggle with shame, powerlessness, and a negative perception of self.
How could it be any other way?
When children experience emotional neglect, as their personalities develop, they learn to presume that the disconnect they feel between them and their caretakers is their fault. Here, shame takes root and over time, as language skills develop, the mind of the child hears themselves saying things like, “I am not good enough. There is something wrong with me. I am bad. I am unworthy. It is my fault my parents are unable to love me.”
Before the age of seven, a child’s mind has developed a perception of self. When children experience rejection, abuse, abandonment and have been raised to feel unworthy of parental connection, the perception the child holds of self will be negative. This perception is the foundation for codependent behaviors. As adults rarely do our minds question why we do what we do, think what we think, or feel what we feel.
This book is about to change all of that for you.
- Do you say yes when you mean no?
- Do you people-please and then secretly get angry at those you acquiesce to?
- Do you stuff your emotions?
- Do you worry more about others than you do about yourself?
- Do you obsess and ruminate over what others think about you?
- Do you struggle to set boundaries and fear abandonment to the point where you fail to set boundaries with others?
- Were you raised by alcoholics, narcissists, or dysfunctional parents?
- Have you experienced abuse like domestic violence or sexual abuse?
Codependency is a coping skill abused adult children have relied on as a way to avoid pain and abandonment. We have learned to believe that if people need us, and if we continue to focus on the needs of others rather than ourselves, maybe others will never leave us.
If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, and if you are ready to FINALLY dig your mind into life skills that actually work, this book is for you!
Meet Lisa A. Romano
Lisa A. Romano is a Certified Life Coach and bestselling author who specializes in empowering adult children from dysfunctional homes with the tools they need to move beyond limiting subconscious childhood programming. Her 12 Week Breakthrough Coaching Program has been specifically created for people who are ready to confront their childhood wounds and reprogram their subconscious minds for success, abundance, and love.
To work with Lisa and her team, contact [email protected]

What others are saying about this book

"I am 53 years old and only recently discovered that my abusive EX and mother are pathological narcissists. I am definitely a codependent as a result of life long narcissistic abuse and now it’s time to embrace healing. In 2012 my only sibling and loving brother ended his life by suicide. I tried to make sense of his death and now believe my mother destroyed my brother’s life, self-esteem and every loving relationship he ever had. I too have been that low but never again. The rest of my life will be the best of my life. ...Thank you Lisa for helping me make sense of my confusing life. Knowledge is empowering."

"This book has honestly opened up a whole new world of understanding for me. In Codependent - Now What?... Lisa breaks down the pain and the issues in a way that is emathetic and understandable. I was originally diagnosed with clinically depressed and codependent more than 30 years ago. No counselor, medication, yogi or spiritual teacher has cut to the chase and opened my heart and mind the way Lisa and this book has. I highly recommend this practical guide. You will begin to see rapid healing in you"

"Lisa is a true master. This book is liberating, inspiring, and aspirational. If you are a codependent or wondering what it is, read this book. Prepare to undo the lies that you have taken for granted as truth. Lisa's writing ability and expertise have increased extraordinarily since her first book (I have read all of them), and it only further captivates the reader. Whether you are on her YouTube page, watching a live video, or reading a book, you sense a deep connection to her. And not only that, but Lisa doesn't fancy herself a "guru" - she exhibits truly humility that we are all equal and have equal ability to heal, connect, and share love and light with the world. Thank you, thank you, thank, you Lisa. My only hope is that her coaching sessions will be discounted for students."

"I highly recommend this book to anyone raised in a toxic environment. Violent homes, homes with drug or alcohol abuse or addiction, neglectful parents, and anyone diagnosed as codependent. Lisa is knowledgeable and. Full of insights on how to overcome this. This book helped me shift from victim to survivor and I'm headed into a thriver. I found her exercises very helpful and clearly explained."
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