Childhood programming taught you to believe that unless you gained the approval of others, you were UNWORTHY.
May 07, 2020
Nope, nobody has been born to make sure your life experience is comfy and cozy.
Nope, there is no one out there that is responsible for your happiness.
Nope, nobody out there can really read your mind.
Nope, not everybody is going to like you.
Nope, you will NOT be invited to every dinner party or event.
Nope, your children will not always think you’re awesome.
Nope, there is no guarantee your friends won’t disappoint you.
Now, doesn’t that feel better?
Isn’t it a relief to know that our lives are NOT supposed to be perfect?
Isn’t it awesome to know that it is okay to NOT have to make sure EVERYBODY thinks we LIKE THEM?
Isn’t it freeing to know shit is gonna’ happen and that is okay?
Childhood programming taught you to believe YOU HAD to get people's approval otherwise you might DIE.
Childhood programming taught you to believe that unless you gained the approval of others, you were UNWORTHY.
Childhood programming taught you to believe your self esteem could only be found IF you could take care of others so well, they would grant you the right to be good enough.
Well, it is time to CONFRONT those unhealthy codependent crazymaking thoughts in your head once and for all!
Hey you—live with integrity—be fair and don’t expect from someone what you aren’t willing or capable of giving in return—don’t be the person that everybody is walking around on eggshells trying not to piss off—be the person who can soothe their own hearts and fill their own souls—and all will be well.
Are you ready to dive deep into your childhood programming and eradicate unhealthy beliefs once and for all? If so, maybe you're ready to become a 12 Week Breakthrough Coaching Program member.
My next class begins on June 4th, 2020