Why do you think you struggle with self worth?
Jun 22, 2020
If you are an adult who is suffering from low self esteem, perhaps it is time to ask yourself 'why'. Why do you think you struggle with self worth?
In many of the cases, our answers lie in our childhood experiences. Without knowing why we feel a certain way, it is all but impossible to heal the way we feel.
Have you been abused by a narcissistic parent? Do you suffer from low self-esteem? Have you been spiritually, verbally, physically, sexually, or psychologically abused? Have you been brainwashed to believe that you are unworthy?
It is not possible to have self-esteem when you never had parents who helped you develop a healthy sense of self. If you were raised by toxic parents, alcoholic parents, narcissistic parents, or if you were raised in chaos, if you were raised in foster care, if you suffered any type of ongoing trauma in your childhood, it is NOT your fault if you suffer from low self esteem today.
If you are willing to be honest with yourself and begin understanding how your childhood environment may have impacted your sense of worthiness today, then it is entirely probable you can heal your past.