Can't Leave that Toxic Relationship?
Jul 19, 2018
Trouble Ending that Toxic Relationship
We've all had that really horrible relationship--you know the one--the one you know you should leave but you don't--the one you go to bed wishing would just end somehow without you having to be the one to end it.
One of the things we don't often realize is, if we were not raised to VALUE our emotions, opinions, wants or desires AND if we were disrespected, treated with indifference, minimized, gaslighted and abused--as adults--we simply DO NOT HAVE THE DATA for how to stand up for ourselves in an empowering way, not even when, it is BLATANTLY obvious that we should.
And that is not our fault.
Our brain will ALWAYS default to the FAMILIAR rather than choose an UNKNOWN even when the familiar is destroying us UNTIL we
Until the brain can no longer dissociate from the overwhelming grief of a painful relationship--we will be psychologically drawn to stay in a painful situation.
So Dear One, don't blame yourself or go on thinking there is something wrong with you for NOT ending a relationship you probably should.
Keep paying attention to those red flags--and one day--you shall BREAKTHROUGH!