In the quantum world, what happens in one space immediately happens in all space. Quantum entanglement proves that once particles are entangled, they forever affect one another regardless of distance. And that is why I believe to date, humanity still experiences such mass destruction.
You see, time has little to do with quantum entanglement. This is the same reason why generational trauma can continue from one generation to the third, fourth, and fifth generations afterward. It is the same reason for how and why the alcoholic grandfather I never knew has touched the lives of me, my children, and even my granddaughter. And it is the same reason I remain unconditionally committed to healing the self by raising my consciousness.
What happens at the macro level first occurs at the micro level. What happens in the heart of one family member affects the hearts of the entire family, for better or worse. What happens in the mail room of a large company impacts the CEO and all the people that the company serves. What happens in one political party affects the entire population of that party and the opposing party, for every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
Think briefly about human history, including the rise and fall of the Roman Empire and the World Wars and the countless acts of terror against humans throughout the ages. Consider the mind of someone like Hitler, whose insatiable thirst for dominance, power, authority, and control infected the consciousness of others. Consider the absolute disregard for restraint over the lower, egoic self and the consequences of such momentum at the mass level, including the momentum of power and fear.

Think of any time when, at any point in human history, humans have misused their God-power, their ability to create or destroy, and you will discover an absence of light and love.
Think of the darkest moments in human history. You will notice the deepest levels of narcissism and hedonism where men (a universal term for humans) believed themselves the creators and owners of the land, sea, and skies and the true fathers of the animals, their children, and even themselves as if man alone is the creator man. Yet, all that is is on loan to us, including our planet, bodies, lives, breath, one another, and our children.
Only through unconditional control over one's consciousness can one ever hope to bring balance and harmony back to our personal lives, families, relationships, health, society, or the 3D world.
Those of us on the path to emotional recovery don't always realize that we are taking part in the rebalancing of love on our planet and that by resolving the internal conflicts that block our ability to become the conduits of love we were meant to be, we not only heal the self, and break the chains that have held our families in bondage for centuries, we help heal one another and the world.
As conscious healers learning to live above the veil of consciousness, we rely on the true nature of wisdom and mental, emotional, and spiritual tools to help us dissolve the causes of the degradation of self and others. We do so by slowing down the discordant momentum in our minds, bodies, and hearts.
And then we do all we can to remain steadfast on our journey up and out of the subconscious mind and the world of illusions caused by the unconscious ego-based generation of others who have participated in the creation of such destructive forces.
The quantum laws are absolute.
If what happens at the macro level impacts what occurs at the micro level, then what happens at the micro level impacts what occurs at the macro level.
Dear One that is how important YOU ARE. Every step forward on your healing journey that permits you to resolve and dissolve the chains of the past is YOU helping to heal yourself, past generations, and humanity.
If fear can cause separation, then love can cause integration.
If a lack of love for self and others can be destructive, then love of self can lead toward a love of others.
When we unite in the consciousness of self-love, we conquer darkness.
May you be hopeful this morning and fully comprehend how powerful you are. Use your God-power to allow yourself the right to believe you are worthy to receive the good in life because, Dear One, you are.
We are brothers and sisters, despite what data or momentum our ancestors have created and left behind within the quantum field.
Lisa A. Romano is a globally recognized Life Coach specializing in assisting wounded adult children to overcome the childhood emotional trauma that keeps them stuck, repeating negative, self-sabotaging patterns in their lives. She is best known for her remarkable work in the area of adult children of alcoholic issues, codependency, and narcissistic abuse recovery. She is also one of the most listened-to meditation teachers on Insight Timer, and her YouTube Channel has over 640K subscribers. Her podcast Breakdown to Breakthrough ranks in the top 100 podcasts on mental wellness. She was voted the #1 Most Influential Person of 2020 and was recently nominated as a global leader representing the United States in mental wellness coaching by Unified Brainz Unlimited. Her flagship program, The 12 Week Breakthrough, is endorsed by psychologist Robin Bryman as a must for anyone struggling with a loss of self-hood due to narcissistic abuse. You can learn more about her online courses and her seven bestselling books by visiting