10 Signs You are a Codependent Leader in the Workplace: Codependency

codependency and leadership codependency at work codependency in the workplace codependent business professional Mar 17, 2025

 Are you a codependent business professional?

In the fast-paced business world, many professionals may unknowingly exhibit codependency traits that can hinder their effectiveness and growth. As a codependent business professional, you might find it challenging to embrace your role as a leader or team player fully. This can show up in ways such as ruminating over input you know you should offer but finding yourself paralyzed by the inner worry over how others might feel if you disagree or appear 'too smart.'

Codependency can manifest in the workplace through an excessive reliance on others for validation, difficulty in setting boundaries, and an overwhelming desire to please. These behaviors can undermine your confidence and clarity, affecting your performance and leadership capabilities. It also weakens your ability to blossom and unfold in environments requiring creative input.

Here are 10 signs you're codependency is showing up in the workplace:

1. You’d rather be liked by others than viewed as the leader in charge.

2. You fawn after the approval of those you lead and struggle to feel worthy of leadership roles.

3. You seek validation from colleagues or superiors to feel worthy.

4. You minimize your creative thoughts and struggle to offer your opinion for fear of criticism.

5. Your sense of self is tied to your work, tasks, and how others perceive you.

6. You struggle to delegate tasks, fearing others might see you as domineering or too bossy.

7. You feel subordinate even in leadership roles.

8. You avoid conflict rather than hold others accountable.

9. You frequently take on more work than you can handle rather than delegate more efficiently.

10. You find it challenging to celebrate your achievements and often feel like an imposter of fake.

As managers and entrepreneurs, it’s crucial to recognize how these codependent patterns can appear in our daily interactions. Whether it’s avoiding difficult conversations, overcommitting to projects, or feeling responsible for the emotional well-being of our team, these tendencies can lead to burnout and a lack of authenticity in our leadership.

But here’s the good news: healing the wounds of our inner child can unlock a pathway to success from a place of confidence, clarity, and authenticity. By addressing and nurturing our inner selves, we can break free from the chains of codependency. This healing journey allows us to:

✨ Show up clear-minded and more able to connect with our creativity and ingenuity, assisting with our ability to stay in the flow where we can tap into our most profound intuition and highest intelligence. 
✨Set healthy boundaries, leading to more sustainable work relationships and avoiding unnecessary conflicts in the workplace.
✨ Embrace our strengths and achievements, fostering a deep sense of mutual respect in work environments instead of recreating toxic childhood experiences with coworkers.
✨ Communicate openly and honestly, enhancing collaboration and trust within our teams and in the self and others.
✨ Lead with empathy and understanding while prioritizing our professional and personal needs and goals, avoiding over-empathizing and losing ourselves in the emotional landscapes of others. 

Let’s commit to self-awareness and personal growth, not just for ourselves but for the betterment of our teams and organizations. Healing starts within, and it’s time to lead from our most authentic selves. 

We got this!

If you are a codependent business professional, contact us at [email protected] to find out how personal coaching and mentoring with Lisa A. Romano can ensure you're showing up as the authentic and worthy you!

Lisa A. Romano is a certified Life Coach and award-winning author who specializes in codependency and narcissistic abuse recovery. She is the author of The Road Back to Me, and 7 additional titles, and the creator of the psychologist-approved 12 Week Breakthrough Coaching Program. Lisa is also a popular YouTube Content Creator with over 700K subscribers and one of the most listened-to meditation teachers on Insight Timer. Her mission is to teach wounded adult children from dysfunctional homes how to heal their inner child, and become confident autonomous, self-actualized beings through her proven processes that deliver predictable results and provide opportunities for awakening and transformations. You can find more about Lisa's work at https://www.lisaaromano.com