Healing codependency gives birth to consciousness
Sep 04, 2020
Deepak Chopra speaks of the field of potential.
Eckhart Tolle speaks of quieting the Ego and learning to become the observer.
My issue is if we have shame closing the door to our ability to observe what is, we naturally stay bound to the wheels of karma through subconscious programming.
My mind will NOT run towards an emotional forest fire within me.
My mind will NOT never be able to access the field of potential if the default settings of my wounded ego are wired to deny, deflect and dissociate.
Therefore, the only way to access the field of potential is to learn how to freaking OBSERVE myself walking through the damn forest fire of emotions within me!
If I want to access the field of potential, yes, I must become the observer BUT I also have to learn to surrender to the pain and override my egos desire to prevent me from experiencing more pain.
Codependency enmeshed us. We believed we were our emotions, feelings, and bodily sensations. We believed we were our shame and the reason for our shame and this is simply a lie and horrific soul-murdering illusion.
Healing codependency gives birth to consciousness.
This is the bumpiest most courageous journey there is.