When Life Drops Shit at Your Door
Jan 06, 2021
When Life Drops S**T at Your Door and it, Will You've Got Decisions to Make
Be a Warrior, not a Worrier
As we enter into a New Year, we all must do what we can to stay on the healing path, monitor our thoughts, mind our vibrations, and pluck out of our consciousness those ideas that pinch us off from the stream of abundance, health, happiness, contentment, joy, and peace of mind.
In times like these, doing so can feel like a herculean task.
Each and every single one of us has been impacted by the pandemic. Some of us have lost businesses, jobs, and many of our hopes have been dashed. And there are those of us who have paid the ultimate price by having lost a loved one.

It is difficult to find the words to comfort heavy hurts when the world seems to have gone mad. When we have lost freedoms, liberties, a sense of safety, and those we loved the most.
It is difficult to remember that within us is the power to manage our emotions when it feels as if our feet are on fire and the walls around us are closing in.
It is difficult to remember to strive to be warrior-like when worry feels like it is what you need to do and all you can do.
I get it.
We are all human beings, with default factory settings that operate the same way.
We've all been brainwashed, downloaded, and conditioned by those who were in control when we were children.
We all have memories, emotional flashbacks, inner critics, egos, and an inner child that has been rendered helpless by the way the subconscious mind operates.
We have all been stressed beyond our wildest imaginations, pounded with negative news media, and rattled by speculation, confusion, finger-pointing, and despair.
We have all been told to be afraid, stay afraid, and to remain afraid.
And while it is helpful to remain diligent and cautious, many of us have been living in a state of fear, imagining outcomes others wish us to stay mindful of.

No, it is not easy to live in a 3D world, as an organic, biological, chemical, vibrational, emotional, psychological, neurological, and spiritual being, that bathes in a universal bathtub with other people's energies.
No, it is not easy to be a 3D being on a 3D planet, that is both subconscious and conscious at the same time who has no other choice but to become quantumly entangled with other 3D beings whether we like it or not.
And yet, neither you nor I have a choice. The field is alive. Thoughts become things. Mass consciousnesses manifest accepted ideas faster than a single thought. The universe registers every thought, every fear, every belief, and mirrors back to us the collective.
If you were NOT awakened, these thoughts might force you to throw your hands up in the air and say, "Screw this! What the hell is the point?"
Aww...but you know too much!
You know that you are more powerful than you once imagined.
You know that when someone becomes obsessed with a desire, harnesses passion, and purpose, they CAN BREAKTHROUGH!
You know, that familial patterns are karmic agreements that your family has made consciously or unconsciously. You know that if your mother was abused, and her mother was abused, your mother most likely abused you.
You also know that when you take the time to BREAKTHROUGH, you get to SHIFT the paradigms. You get to MASTER your life. You get to CHANGE the karmic patterns of your family for generations to come!

When life presents us with things unwanted, we have two choices.
We can surrender or resist.
As we all do our best to hold onto ourselves as we enter the New Year, may we all be blessed with the ability to make rational choices and especially when the energies about us seem to stir wildly.
Be mindful, meditate, breathe deeply, do things you love, stay active, and busy if you must, but most of all, be sure to make decisions based on what you can control vs what you cannot control.
We are in this together.