Waking Up the Codependent Mind
Mar 27, 2018
Mom Has Transitioned and Now it is Done
As many of you know, my mom recently passed away on my birthday early in March. She had been battling dementia since suffering a prefrontal lobe stroke over five years ago. I am sure many of you can imagine, how difficult it can be to lose a mother, not once, but many times over.
When you are born to parents who cannot attune themselves to you, the very fragile, immature, underdeveloped limbic brain believes it is being threatened and all systems designed by infinite intelligence to warn a human being that their survival is being threatened is TRIGGERED. Sadly, when you are born to parents who cannot see you and who are also suffering from their own unconsciousness, you live a life marinating in toxic goop, which includes chemicals like cortisol, and adrenaline. These chemicals were never intended for LONG TERM excretion. They were designed to be pumped out when necessary and alleviated once homeostasis had been achieved.
The problem with so many wounded adult children is, that warning bell NEVER turned off and as a result, our brains did not develop as they should have and on a psychological and spiritual level, we have been unconsciously fractured and BRAINWASHED to believe we WERE NOT ENOUGH.
As a result of NATURAL unconsciousness, as a species, we have NEVER been taught to APPRECIATE our ability to THINK about the way we THINK.
Man is born asleep and we stay asleep until some often times, EXCRUCIATING painful event wakes our ignorant asses UP! Sometimes the wake-up call comes wrapped in a divorce, or a health crisis, or a loss of a job. Sometimes the wake-up call comes in the middle of the night, with cold sweats and with a head full of never-ending existential type questions. And sometimes, the wake-up calls go ignored, denied, and even cursed.
I am thankful that I woke up before it was too late and while I still had some life left in me to LIVE! I am saddened, however, that my own mother never really woke up entirely. It is heart-breaking to know she spent all of her days--and including her last being controlled by my father, his ignorance, arrogance, and self-rationalized narcissistic ways.
Dementia could do what I never could. Dementia dissolved my mother's ability to stay attached to her wounded ego and its defense mechanisms. Dementia allowed my mother to look me in the eye and with all the love a mother could ever possibly muster, say "I love you, Lisa."
Dear Ones--my mother never made it out of the starved garden that was HER unconscious mind--but I am SO, SO, hoping that at this time, as we fall into Spring, you find the courage, conviction, resolve, and resilience to TEND TO YOUR MENTAL GARDEN!
If you are reading this it is NOT too late--and I don't care how old you are, where you live, or what health you are in. If you are breathing, you CAN learn to HEAL the BELIEFS that have you believing you are unworthy and not enough.
In honor of my severely codependent mom, I ENCOURAGE and SUPPORT all of you who are DEDICATED and DRIVEN to HEAL!
You are a Warrior DEAR ONE---there is NO doubt.
Spring Has Sprung
As we enter into the Spring season, this is an opportune time to rebirth ourselves just as Mother Earth is giving new life to our trees, grass, and even many animal species. Spring is a time of renewal and revival. It is a perfect time to ACTIVATE the prefrontal lobe and neocortex!
You CAN rake out old thoughts and beliefs just the way we rake out weeds from our gardens.
The next time a thought scurries across your conscious field like a mole--pluck it out!
Say to yourself, "NO--I do NOT wish to CREATE that!" and then, focus on a desire or wish you DO wish to CREATE! In that moment say to yourself, "Instead, I wish to CREATE this NEW experience."
If you do this often enough, you will train your mind to act on your CONSCIOUS COMMAND.
Breakthrough Cruise
We are about to shove off and enjoy a six day voyage with many members of The 12 Week Breakthrough Coaching Programs, and I just wanted to take a moment and say how thankful I am to been given this opportunity to help co-create such a WONDERFUL and ABUNDANT and PEACEFUL time with so many AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL healing brothers and sisters...I will see you all very soon!!!
Live Event in Trumbull Connecticut
I will be hosting a LIVE workshop in TRUMBALL CONNECTICUT on June 23rd at The Marriott Hotel in Trumball CT. Seats are limited so please act fast if you would like to participate.
The Marriott is offering discounts on rooms until late May. Rooms have already been booked so please do not hesitate to register early.
You can register for this event here
I am not sure if you guys know this, but I just launched a monthly membership site that includes many of my paid programs, meditations, workbooks, and workshops. This site also includes not available anywhere else, programs on narcissism, codependency and the law of attraction as well.
This membership includes monthly livestreams as well as a private Facebook Page where you get to interact with me and other BREAKTHROUGH WARRIORS.
Each month we host a new Breakthrough Warrior of the month too!
Once you register, you can immediately download a copy of my book The Road Back to Me, and a bunch of other downloadable material.
IF YOU WANT RECOVERY TOOLS THAT WORK--and you are WILLING to put the CONCISE KNOWLEDGE I have organized into PRACTICE--this site is for YOU!
If you are NOT the kind of person who will actively work on the tools offered--this site is NOT for you...just sayin' Dear Ones....
Please check it out here--the site grows each month as I add new materials to it...
Please take advantage of the AUDIBLE.COM offer to download one of my books for free AND to send that book to a friend too!
Please read their terms of service but in a nutshell, if you sign up for their FREE trial, they will allow you to download one of my books and to even share it as well.
Facebook Group and Insight Timer
Recently we crossed TWO major milestones!
Our Facebook support group reached 7000 members and our Meditating Group on Insight Timer reached 17,000 members!
That is a WHOLE lot of LOVE and LIGHT Dear Ones!
I want to thank my amazing facebook moderators who offer their time up to the thousands of wounded adult children that come to our support page for clarity, understanding, and healing messages.
Here are the links to check them out.
Insight Timer
Thank YOU!
Thank you for being YOU Dear Ones--and for being dedicated to learning how to EMPOWER yourself with LIFE CHANGING information delivered in an easy to digest format that allows for us to experience GREAT change in a relatively short amount of time.
The more quickly we address SHAME the more quickly we HEAL...
YOU ARE ENOUGH and I bow to the LOVE and the LIGHT that you ARE!
Please enjoy this funloving video!