We Are NOT Children Anymore
Feb 17, 2020
As children, we did not have a choice. We were powerless to others and to the perceptions that were created by our very limited, fragile, and impressionable minds.
But—we are NOT children anymore.
Today, we CAN remind ourselves that we are ENOUGH and that what happened in our pasts does not have to hold us back, define us, or prevent us from GOING AFTER OUR DREAMS.
Hey, Dear Ones—life is temporary for all of us—and that is okay—because we are all in the same mortal boat.
Why waste our creative mind or our thoughts or our lives on ideas that prevent us from really GOING FOR IT?
Today, in spite of what has been, define ONE dream or ONE goal and see how many amazing ways you can think of to inch closer and closer to achieving your dreams.
This is a 3D world and it will require ACTION on your part to make your dream come true—so don’t let the past dictate your NOW or your future any longer.
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