— O N   D E M A N D   V I D E O   P R E S E N T A T I O N —

Overcoming the Trauma of the Past
On-Demand Codependency Presentation

With Breakthrough Life Coach and Best Selling Author, Lisa A. Romano


Join Lisa's 12 WeekBreakthrough Coaching Program:

The 12 Week Breakthrough Coaching Program has been recommended by psychotherapists as well as neuroscientists. This program addresses the CORE issues that keep human beings stuck repeating dysfunctional patterns of the past.

This program is for you if you;

  • Struggle with feeling not good enough
  • Worry more about the needs and wants of others than your own
  • Feel unworthy of peace, contentment, abundance and authentic-mature love
  • Find it difficult to trust the self, your emotions, needs, and wants
  • Worry that what you feel, believe, or desire is valid
  • Keep attracting narcissistic or highly dismissive people into your life experience
  • Find relating to others in a healthy way difficult
  • Lose yourself inside relationship dynamics

Join the fast growing community of those who have discovered ‘how to’ get unstuck from the past, when we relaunch The 12 Week Breakthrough Coaching Program.

Click here to register today!

50% Complete

Two Step

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